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ICW Equipment Mounting Systems - Flyer
TouchPoint Medical's ICW line of workstations and mounting solutions are not only the most articulate and durable in the market but also backed by the industry’s most robust installation and support services. |
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Comprehensive Healthcare Solutions & Services - Capabilities
TouchPoint Medical delivers tailored clinical and pharmacy solutions for convenient access to equipment, supplies and medication. Explore how our solutions fit into your environment and how we can partner to deliver better patient satisfaction, more timely care, and improved patient experiences. |
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Service and Solution Brochure
Elevating Care Through Innovative Solutions. Workflow and medication dispensing solutions that empower your team to work safely and productively while driving positive patient experiences. |
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Equipment Mounting Systems Preventive Maintenance - Flyer
Reduce downtime and extend the life of your equipment. Your Touchpoint Medical service technician can design and implement a maintenance or refresh program to lower your overall support costs, maximize your investment, and keep your teams focused on patient care. |
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TouchPoint Medical Pharmacy Solutions - Flyer
Pharmacy solutions that are intuitive, reliable, and affordable. Delivered by one company. |
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TouchPoint Medical Long Term Care Nursing Home Solutions - Flyer
Nursing Home Solutions. Easy to Use, Affordable Solutions. Keep caregivers focused on the patient. |
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TouchPoint Medical Patient Outcomes - Flyer
Improving Patient Outcomes. Encourage meaningful connections with patients and mitigate the potential for errors. |
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TouchPoint Medical EMR and POC Solutions - Flyer
Integration of EMR at The Point of Care. Develop Meaningful Patient Connections. |
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Service and Solution Brochure - Brochure
Elevating Care Through Innovative Solutions. Workflow and medication dispensing solutions that empower your team to work safely and productively while driving positive patient experiences. |
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medDispense Preventive Maintenance - Brochure
An automated dispensing cabinet in a clinical setting can be subject to 100k or more transactions per year. Let TouchPoint Medical provide the maintenance needed to ensure optimal service life for your cabinet. |
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medDispense E series Access Control - Flyer
Seamless wireless functionality for controlled cabinet access, alerts for open doors, and traceability of cabinet access. |
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elo-cart Device Cart-Flyer
Effortlessly deliver essential equipment, like patient monitors, directly to the bedside, aiming to elevate patient care, streamline workflows, and enrich the healthcare journey. |
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Equipment Mounting Systems - Flyer
Equipment mounting systems help integrate technology into virtually any environment so that caregivers can be free to focus on delivering exceptional patient care. |
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Comprehensive Healthcare Solutions & Services - Capabilities
TouchPoint Medical delivers tailored clinical and pharmacy solutions for convenient access to equipment, supplies and medication. Explore how our solutions fit into your environment and how we can partner to deliver better patient satisfaction, more timely care, and improved patient experiences. |
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medDispense® C series EDU Flyer
The medDispense® C series Educational Unit has 6 standard drawers 83.3mm (3.28in) wide, 9 double wide drawers 188mm (7.4in) wide, 1 matrix drawer, and bulk storage on the bottom of the unit. Each drawer can be configured tohold up to 7 different line items or 1 controlled substance, the same as a typical hospital unit. The C series unit has preloaded simulation software which can also be modified as your needs change. |
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medDispense® F series - Flyer
The highest level of security with single dose dispensing to ensure access to only the quantity requested. |
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proCARE™ Procedure Carts - Flyer
More than a storage solution – it’s your professional care assistant. |
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proCARE™ Procedure Carts - Brochure
proCARE™ medical procedure carts fit your unique approach to patient care, giving you precisely what you need, how you expect it, and when it’s needed most. |
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TouchPoint Medical Telehealth Offering - Brochure
Wide range of customizable mobile and mounted solutions that support your expanding telehealth applications. |
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workFLO® Workstation on Wheels - Brochure
The workFLO® product solutions deliver elegant simplicity for today’s fast-paced healthcare environment. |
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workFLO® Hygienic Roll Stand Overview - Flyer
Interchangeable mobility management solutions for masks, gloves and sanitizer. Easy-to-maneuver and lightweight design provides mobile access at various entry points throughout your facility. |
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medDispense® Powered by medLogic™ - Flyer
Explore the latest system enhancements that deliver even more configuration flexibility to meet your unique workflow requirements. medDispense® is the Most Flexible Automated Dispensing System for YOUR Workflow. medDispense® is designed so you can tailor a solution that fits your unique workflow to help keep your team efficient and your patients safe. |
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AccessPoint™ Workstation on Wheels Telehealth - Flyer
Bring care to more patients with our AccessPoint™ Telehealth Workstation on Wheels. AccessPoint™ workstations can help you achieve your interoperability and telehealth adoption goals with our flexible technology integration and reliable design. |
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medDispense® Automated Dispensing System - Flyer
The medDispense® platform offers a fully integrated medication management solution customized to meet your evolving needs. |
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medDispense® Automated Dispensing System - Brochure
One software platform, countless hardware configurations all working together to give you safer and more efficient automation across your clinical workflow. |
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Benefits of Financing Your Next Equipment Purchase - Flyer
Explore how financing your equipment can help you acquire equipment now, preserve cash and plan for the future. |
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AccessRx Medication Delivery Cart - Brochure
The AccessRx Series of medication delivery carts provides solutions to more securely and efficiently transport and administer medications at the patients’ bedside. |
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medDispense® Classic Series - Brochure
TouchPoint Medical's automated dispensing systems streamline inventory and medication management, increase efficiency and help to ensure a better patient and caregiver experience. |
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AccessPoint™ Workstation on Wheels - Brochure
Our AccessPoint™ Workstations on Wheels deliver a truly ergonomic and flexible design so it can evolve with your changing clinical needs. |
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vexio-cart device cart - Brochure
Our modular design provides a high level of flexibility to meet your equipment mobility needs now, or in the future. |
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medDispense® Classic Series - 手冊
TouchPoint Medical 的自動分配系統可簡化庫存和藥物管理、提高效率並幫助改善患者和照護者體驗。medDispense® 系統為不同規模的急診和專科護理機構提供安全性、簡潔性、經濟性和支援的完美結合。 |
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AccessPoint™ Workstations on Wheels - 手冊
AccessPoint™ 推車式醫用工作站可為護理人員提供符合人體工學的解決方案,為 IT 人員提供靈活的技術平台,為醫療機構提供長期可靠的設備投資。 |
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AccessPoint™ Workstations on Wheels - 彩页
AccessPoint™ 推车式医用工作站可为护理人员提供符合人体工学的解决方案,为 IT 人员提供灵活的 技术平台,为医疗机构提供长期可靠的设备投资。 |
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proCARE™ Procedure Carts - Broschyr
proCARE™ flexibla vårdvagnar anpassas efter hur just du jobbar, vilket ger dig precis vad du behöver när det behövs som mest. |
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proCARE™ Prosedyre-traller - flygeblad
Mer enn en oppbevaringsløsning – det er din profesjonelle pleieassistent. |
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proCARE™ Procedure Carts - Brosjyre
proCARE™ medisinske prosedyretraller passer til din unike tilnærmingsmåte for pasientpleie, og gir deg akkurat det du trenger på den måten du forventer, når du trenger det mest. |
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AccessRx Medication Delivery Cart - Brosjyre
AccessRx-serien med utleveringsvogner for medikamenter gir løsninger for en sikrere og mer effektiv transport og administrering av medikamentene ved pasientens sengekant. |
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medDispense® Automated Dispensing System - Brosjyre
En felles programvareplattform, utallige maskinvarekonfigurasjoner som alle jobber sammen for å gi deg tryggere og mer effektiv automatisering på tvers av din kliniske arbeidsflyt. |
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AccessPoint™ Workstations on Wheels - Brosjyre
AccessPoint™ arbeidsstasjoner på hjul er en ergonomisk løsning for helsepersonell, en fleksibel teknologiplattform for IT og en sikker investering for helseinstitusjoner på lang sikt. |
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workFLO® Workstation on Wheels - Brosjyre
De workFLO-producten bieden een elegante en eenvoudige oplossing in de drukke zorgomgeving. |
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proCARE™ Procedure Carts - Dutch Brochure
De medische proCARE™-karren passen bij uw unieke benadering van patiëntenzorg, zodat u altijd bij de hand hebt wat u nodig hebt, op de juiste plek en op het juiste moment. |
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medDispense® Automated Dispensing System - Deutsch Brochure
Eén softwareplatform, talloze hardwareconfiguraties die allemaal samenwerken om u veiligere en efficiëntere automatisering in uw gehele klinische werkproces te bieden. De medDispense® -serie geeft u de controle en flexibiliteit om de meest efficiënte manier te kiezen om medicijnen veilig op te slaan en te verdelen. |
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AccessRx Medication Delivery Cart - Deutsch Brochure
Het perfecte/ideale hulpmiddel voor vereenvoudiging van medicatie beheer/ om medicatie beheer te vereenvoudigen. De AccessRx-serie medicatiekarren biedt oplossingen voor veiliger en efficiënter transport en toediening van medicijnen aan het bed van de patiënt. |
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AccessPoint™ Workstation on Wheels - Deutsch Brochure
AccessPoint™ mobiele werkstations bieden een ergonomische oplossing voor zorgverleners, een flexibel technologisch ICT platform en een betrouwbare duurzame investering voor gezondheidszorginstellingen. |
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proCARE™ Carrelli per procedure - Volantino
Più di una soluzione di stoccaggio: è il vostro assistente professionale. |
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proCARE™ Procedure Carts - Opuscolo
I carrelli per procedure mediche proCARE™ si adattano al vostro approccio unico alla cura del paziente, dandovi esattamente ciò di cui avete bisogno, come ve lo aspettate e quando è più necessario. |
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AccessPoint™ Workstation on Wheels - Opuscolo
Le workstation AccessPoint™ su ruote rappresentano una soluzione ergonomica per gli operatori sanitari, una piattaforma tecnologica flessibile per il reparto IT e un affidabile investimento a lungo termine per le strutture sanitarie. |
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AccessRx Medication Delivery Cart - Opuscolo
La serie di carrelli per la consegna di farmaci AccessRx fornisce soluzioni per trasportare e somministrare i farmaci in modo più sicuro ed efficiente al posto letto del paziente. |
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medDispense® Automated Dispensing System - Opuscolo
Un’unica piattaforma software e innumerevoli configurazioni hardware che lavorano insieme per offrire un’automazione più sicura e più efficiente in tutto il flusso di lavoro clinico. |
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medDispense® Classic Series - Opuscolo
I sistemi di erogazione automatizzati TouchPoint Medical semplificano l'inventario e la gestione dei farmaci, aumentano l'efficienza e contribuiscono a garantire una migliore esperienza del paziente e del caregiver. |
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proCARE™ Chariots D’intervention - Dépliant
Plus qu’une solution de rangement – c’est votre assistant médical professionnel. |
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proCARE™ Procedure Carts - Français Brochure
Les chariots d'intervention médicale proCare™ s'adaptent à votre approche personnalisée des soins aux patients, en vous apportant exactement ce dont vous avez besoin, de la manière souhaitée et quand vous en avez le plus besoin. |
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AccessRx Medication Delivery Cart - Français Brochure
Les chariots de distribution de médicaments AccessRx offre un large éventail de solutions pour transporter et administrer les médicaments de manière plus sûre et plus efficace au chevet des patients. |
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AccessPoint™ Workstation on Wheels - Français Brochure
Les postes de travail AccessPoint™ mobiles une solution ergonomique pour les soignants, une plateforme technologique flexible pour les services informatiques et un investissement en équipements fiables à long terme pour les établissements de soins de santé. |
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medDispense® Classic Series - Français Brochure
Les systèmes de distribution automatisés de TouchPoint Medical simplifient l'inventaire et la gestion des médicaments, augmentent l'efficacité et contribuent à assurer une meilleure expérience des patients et des soignants. |
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medDispense® Automated Dispensing System - Français Brochure
Une plate-forme logicielle et d’innombrables configurations matérielles fonctionnent ensemble pour vous offrir une sécurité accrue et une automatisation plus efficace de votre flux de travail clinique. |
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workFLO® Workstation on Wheels - Français Brochure
workFLO®, des solutions simples et élégantes pour faire face au rythme soutenu du secteur médical moderne. |
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proCARE™ Carros de procedimientos - Volante
Es más que una solución de almacenamiento. Es su asistente de atención profesional. |
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proCARE™ Procedure Carts - Folleto
Los carros de procedimientos médicos proCARE™ son ideales para adaptarse a su sistema personal de atención al paciente, ya que ofrece exactamente lo que requiere, como lo espera y cuando más lo necesita. |
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AccessPoint™ Workstations on Wheels - Folleto
Las estaciones de trabajo sobre ruedas AccessPoint™ proporcionan una solución ergonómica para los profesionales sanitarios, una plataforma flexible para equipos informáticos y una inversión en un equipo fiable y duradero para los centros de asistencia sanitaria. |
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medDispense® Classic Series - Folleto
Los sistemas de dispensación automatizada de TouchPoint Medical racionalizan la gestión del inventario y de la medicación, aumentan la eficiencia y ayudan a garantizar una mejor experiencia del paciente y del cuidador. |
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AccessRx Medication Delivery Carts - Folleto
La serie AccessRx de carros de administración de medicamentos proporciona soluciones para el transporte y la administración de medicamentos de forma más segura y eficiente hasta la cama del paciente. |
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medDispense® Automated Dispensing System - Folleto
medDispense® con tecnología medLogic - catalogo de producto. Una única plataforma de software que, con innumerables confi guraciones de armarios diferentes, le proporcionan una automatización más segura y más efi ciente en todas sus actividades sanitarias relacionadas con la dispensación de medicamentos. |
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Mehr als eine Aufbewahrungslösung – Ihr professioneller Pflegeassistent. |
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proCARE™ Procedure Carts - Broschüre
Medizinische Behandlungswagen von proCARE™ passen sich Ihrem individuellen Einsatz zur Patientenversorgung an. Sie erfüllen Ihre Bedürfnisse genau so, wie Sie es erwarten und wo es am dringendsten benötigt werden. |
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medDispense® Automated Dispensing System - Broschüre
Eine Software-Plattform, unzählige Hardware-Konfigurationen, die alle zusammenarbeiten, um Ihnen eine sicherere und effizientere Automatisierung Ihres gesamten klinischen Arbeitsablaufs zu ermöglichen. |
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AccessRx Medication Delivery Cart - Broschüre
Die Lösung für eine effektive Verwaltung der Medikamente. Die Medikamentenverabreichungswagen der AccessRx-Serie bieten Lösungen für einen sicheren und effizienten Transport sowie für die Verabreichung von Medikamenten am Patientenbett. |
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AccessPoint™ Workstations on Wheels - Broschüre
Mobile Arbeitsstationen von AccessPoint™ sind eine ergonomische Lösung für das Personal, eine flexible Technologieplattform für die IT und eine zuverlässige langfristige Investition in die Ausstattung für Gesundheitseinrichtungen. |
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medDispense® Classic Series - Broschüre
Medikamenten- und Bestandsmanagement, das einfach zu bedienen und zu leisten, aber nicht einfach darauf zu verzichten ist. |
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workFLO® Workstation on Wheels - Broschüre
Die workFLO-Produktlösungen bieten elegante Einfachheit für die schnelllebige medizinische Umgebung von heute. |
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