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Tips on Choosing a Pediatric Code Response Cart

December 13th, 2021
Tips on Choosing a Pediatric Code Response Cart

Pediatric healthcare centers, hospitals, and clinics rely on the efficiency of their medical personnel to respond quickly during emergencies. Precious seconds can be saved if all the right lifesaving supplies are easily accessible to the responders. 

Properly designed and stocked pediatric code response carts are crucial during emergencies as they offer the medical staff quick and easy access to the right supplies, equipment, and medications. As all the necessary supplies are contained in one location, the patient can be treated without being moved from pillar to post during emergencies.

However, picking the right pediatric code response cart can get overwhelming with so many options on the market. Several factors such as ergonomics, mobility, customizability, and ease of use must be considered before making any purchasing decision.

The following sections of this post describe some important tips on choosing a pediatric code response cart so that you can make an informed and optimized choice. Picking the right cart for your facility can save lives and improve the workflow of the healthcare providers. 

Ergonomics and maneuverability

The ergonomics of a pediatric code response cart play a crucial role in the efficiency of the nursing staff and improve their overall satisfaction. An ergonomic pediatric code response can be rushed to the desired location easily when time is critical.

Several factors determine the ergonomics of a pediatric code response cart-

Weight of the cart

Heavier, all-metal carts can be more difficult to move than lightweight ones made from hybrid materials that don't compromise on strength and durability. Pediatric code response carts made from such hybrid materials require significantly less force to be pushed around.

Casters (Wheels)

Being lightweight is not enough; it is equally important to pick a cart that is easy to maneuver during emergencies. Carts with bigger swivel casters are easier to maneuver than carts with smaller wheel sizes. Pick a cart that has low rolling resistance on various surfaces and larger swivel casters.


You can find pediatric code response carts in all shapes and sizes on the market. However, it is important to pick a cart that can be customized according to your requirement. A customized cart can improve the workflow of your staff without wasting space and other resources.

Pick a cart that is equipped with modular drawers that are configurable to suit your needs. Many manufacturers also include removable drawer inserts and dividers with tamper-evident seals. Another feature that can make the use of the cart easy for your staff is the availability of multicolor snap-on pulls for easy identification.

Carts like proCARE™ Pediatric Code Response Cart from TouchPoint Medical can be used with the Broselow system to increase efficiency further. The carts can be configured to allow the staff quick access to the right-sized supplies and dosage instructions to children under 12 years. The drawers holding emergency supplies are color-coded. The height and weight measurements of the patients can be used to generate a color code that is then matched with the drawer to access the right supplies. Such a system can cut down the time it takes to initiate treatment and significantly improve the outcome.


As pediatric code response carts have surfaces that several individuals constantly touch, picking a cart with some degree of antimicrobial protection is important. Many manufacturers construct medical carts from materials infused with antimicrobial compounds to discourage the growth of microbes from ensuring long-term protection.

Picking the cart with such features allows the caregivers peace of mind and focus their energy on treating the patients resulting in higher satisfaction.

Availability of accessories

Accessories can help you transform your pediatric code response cart to better suit your needs. Most manufacturers will sell you the accessories separately when you need them. Hence, it is important to pick a cart compatible with accessories if you might need them in the future.

Some of the most common accessories that can be paired with pediatric code response carts include-

  • Defibrillator platform
  • IV pole
  • Oxygen tank holder
  • CPR board
  • Suction pump shelf
  • Power strip
Warranty and customer service

Pediatric code response carts are by no means inexpensive, and the equipment you are purchasing must come with a full warranty. Several moving parts in a pediatric code response cart can face wear and tear during regular use. Hence, it is important to pick a supplier that offers a good warranty and great customer service. You don't want to face a situation wherein your carts are not functioning properly when you need them the most.

Parting thoughts

It is important to pay attention to the aforementioned factors before picking a code response cart for your pediatric unit. Choosing the right medical cart can improve your staff's satisfaction and help them be more productive and efficient.

TouchPoint Medical offers proCARE™ Pediatric Code Response Carts that are high quality, customizable and feature-packed.

If you are looking for code response medical carts for your pediatric facility, contact us today for a free demo. Our technicians are available round-the-clock to answer any question you might have.